Teachers with so-called migration background and the question of recognition: Experiences of fragility and hidden pedagogical potentials

Cortez Deacetis

Introduction In Switzerland, it has for a long time been very uncommon to find teachers with a family origin beyond national borders (Mantel, 2017). However, with increasing mobility and migration during the last decades – particularly within Europe – the number of teachers with so-called migration background has grown. Currently, […]

The complexity of professional integration: An investigation of newly arrived teachers’ initial process of establishing themselves as teachers in Sweden

Cortez Deacetis

Introduction Currently, the labour integration of newly arrived immigrants is given high priority in countries throughout Europe hosting large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers. The unexpectedly large numbers of refugees, primarily from Syria, arrived in 2015 prompting host countries to establish labour integration measures for those that were granted […]

From self-evident norms to contingent couplings: A systems-theoretical analysis of changes in the relationship between schools and the function systems in Denmark

Cortez Deacetis

Albertsen, K, Jeppesen, D, Hvenegaard, H (2012) Samarbejde om kerneopgaven. In: Weiss, K (eds) Sund Ledelse. Copenhagen: Danish Society for leadership in the healthcare sector, 84–98. Google Scholar Andersen, NÅ (1995) Selvskabt forvaltning, Forvaltningspolitikkens og centralforvaltningens udvikling i Danmark 1900–1994. Frederiksberg: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne. Google Scholar Andersen, NÅ (2003) Polyphonic […]

‘What is this ISIS all about?’ Addressing violent extremism with students: Finnish educators’ perspectives

Cortez Deacetis

Introduction Over the last two decades, countering terrorism and violent extremism has become a major policy issue across Europe. Policies and measures introduced to prevent attacks have not only intensified, but their scope has also become significantly broader (De Goede, 2008; Lehto, 2008; Malkki, 2016). Related to these developments, governments […]