Language teachers’ accounts of challenges in two European settings of integration training

Cortez Deacetis

Introduction The present study examines experience in two European settings of adult second language education. In a phenomenographic analysis of teachers’ accounts of experience, we investigate challenges in integration training aimed at labor market integration (e.g. Kosyakova and Sirries, 2017) and social integration (e.g. Laurentsyeva and Venturini, 2017). The analysis […]

The complexity of professional integration: An investigation of newly arrived teachers’ initial process of establishing themselves as teachers in Sweden

Cortez Deacetis

Introduction Currently, the labour integration of newly arrived immigrants is given high priority in countries throughout Europe hosting large numbers of refugees and asylum seekers. The unexpectedly large numbers of refugees, primarily from Syria, arrived in 2015 prompting host countries to establish labour integration measures for those that were granted […]