15 Sumber Bagus Untuk Membeli Kain Secara On-line

Cortez Deacetis

Selalu ingat untuk menguji perawatan apa pun pada space kecil kain terlebih dahulu. Peekaboofabricshop.com memiliki banyak pilihan rajutan dan katun quilting berkualitas tinggi. Jadi selalu pilih kualitas terbaik karena jika Anda ingin membuat gaun poliester yang indah, gaun itu akan dikenakan beberapa kali dan membutuhkan beberapa kali pencucian. Tekstur permukaan […]

Home schooling through online teaching in the era of COVID-19: Exploring the role of home-related factors that deepen educational inequalities across European societies

Cortez Deacetis

Alexander, KL, Entwisle, DR, Olson, LS (2007) Lasting consequences of the summer learning gap. American Sociological Review 72(2): 167–80. Google Scholar | SAGE Journals Angus, L, Snyder, I, Sutherland-Smith, W (2004) ICT and educational (dis)advantage: Families, computers and contemporary social and educational inequalities. British Journal of Sociology of Education 25(1): […]

From real to virtual mobility: Erasmus students’ transition to online learning amid the COVID-19 crisis

Cortez Deacetis

Aguaded Gómez, JI, Pozo Vicente, C (2011) Communicative competences and the use of ICT for foreign language learning within the European student exchange programme ERASMUS. European Educational Research Journal 10(1): 83–101. Google Scholar | SAGE Journals Ballatore, M, Ferede, MK (2013) The Erasmus programme in France, Italy and the United […]